Chief Justice Roy Moore installed a 5,280 pound Ten Commandments monument in the Alabama Supreme Court building.
August 25, 2003
A federal court ordered the removal of the monument.
Thus far, Moore has defied the federal court order and has refused to remove the monument because he states the laws of the land are based on the Ten Commandments.
Now Moore has been suspended.
There are several problems with Moore’s argument. First and foremost, the federal law supersedes the state law.
Unfortunately, Moore is fighting the same battle that the south has fought for years – they even fought a war to prove their point, but to no avail.
It is noteworthy to mention that the South has consistently lost these battles with the federal government but, of course, in that rich southern tradition of fiery defiance they still believe they can trump the feds.
Moore stated:”My dispute is with the federal courts who have intruded into state affairs and we are taking this matter to the Supreme Court.”
Guess what, Roy … one Supreme Court justice has already heard your case and does not want to touch it with a 10-foot pole.
Another problem with Moore’s case is the entire issue of mixing religion in with government. By putting the Ten Commandments in the courthouse he is obviously violating the constitutional guarantee of the separation of church and state.
On a rather ironic note it is highly interesting that a judge in Alabama is interested in the commandments, since the courts in Alabama for years exonerated those who had broken the “Thou shall not kill” commandment on a regular basis.
African-Americans rarely received justice in Alabama courts. To begin with, African-Americans were lynched for years and in the rare cases when these cases went to court, all the good white Christians acquitted their white brothers and went to church that Sunday presumably to pray and read the Ten Commandments. The commandment regarding bearing false witness was also ignored in Alabama courthouses since in the case of the Scottsboro boys and numerous other cases in Alabama there were a bevy of false witnesses.
Now, Moore wants to pretend the Alabama courts are a holy sanctuary when in fact many Alabama courts were dens of racism and iniquity. Another problem with the Moore case is he outright refused the request to include a copy of the Koran and other sacred books from various religions. Therefore, it is obvious that Moore is advancing one religion over another.
The Ten Commandments are an excellent set of principles. Nevertheless, the relationship between the Judeo-Christian religion and the Ten Commandments is inextricable and should not be in a government building.
Finally, I see another issue that I have observed on a regular basis; the ultra religious have a feeling of religious superiority. They are with God and everyone who disagrees is against God.
Pat Robertson is an excellent example of this superior attitude. Recently, on his program “The 700 Club,” Robertson prayed for the
retirement or death of the Supreme Court judges who rule against the “Christian agenda.”
Last but not least, Moore and his followers should remember these sentiments. Living and practicing your religion by helping the poor and comforting the sick and shut-in is the best way to display your values, not a screaming session at a monument.