Too early for egg nog?

By Gus Bode

There are some things that come with holidays that people can get cravings for before the holiday even draws near. Some crave corned beef and cabbage before St. Patrick’s Day while others crave steaming pumpkin pies before Thanksgiving is even remotely on the horizon. And yet there are those who get the occasional urge to guzzle the rich creaminess of the much-celebrated Christmas drink, egg nog.

It was my general understanding that egg nog was purely a Christmas sort of thing, at least until I saw it on sale at the supermarket. Somehow, I couldn’t believe it was really there. Common sense told me that I was only imagining things. At least that’s what I thought until my girlfriend pointed it out as well, and then I knew it wasn’t some glorious dream.

Why would any company produce egg nog so far in advance? It would go bad long before Christmas would arrive if one were to buy it now. And if nobody bought it up until at least December, then why let all that egg nog go to waste? It doesn’t make sense. At least the sale of apple cider is timely because of the maturity of apple crops and the advent of the fall season.


Sure as soon as Halloween is done, the Christmas stuff is brought out in stores, but that’s to sell as much of it as possible. And the items usually brought out don’t have an expiration date. But maybe that’s just it. Maybe the egg nog manufacturers waited all year for Halloween to come and go so they can pounce on the holiday-crazed consumer market, but not too early so it would seem in distaste.

It’s popular enough to start making it even weeks before Thanksgiving, but not so popular to make it available all year long. By making it available now, Prairie Farms or other egg nog manufacturers can make and sell it in a reasonable amount of time while not throwing off the balance of the holiday season. They’re being smart and monopolizing on the upcoming winter and holiday season. Don’t let yourself fall victim to the temptation of the creamy sweetness they call egg nog – at least not until December rolls around. Because every half-gallon carton they sell is another half-gallon advantage they have on putting the holiday sales even further in advance.

Do your part as a United States citizen and stop these people in their tracks. Keep the ridiculous holiday sales where they’re at, or be doomed to a lifetime of listening to Bing Crosby and tone-deaf children singing Christmas carols in September.
