Ashlee Simpson and the future

By Gus Bode

I loathe Ashlee Simpson – even more than before.

I first realized my hatred for Simpson this summer when I caught an episode of her paternally-produced reality show on MTV, cleverly titled “The Ashlee Simpson Show.” Simpson came off as a moron – an introvert so sheltered and unaware of the real world she could only exist in the realm of reality television.

But after a while I stopped hating so much on Simpson, probably because the fact that she makes millions of dollars with no talent or intelligence bothers me too much.


But when the “Saturday Night Live” incident happened last weekend, the hatred surfaced once again.

For those of you who didn’t catch the controversial SNL episode, you missed the worst musical “performance” in television history. It happened when Simpson was caught off-guard during the second number of the show as a CD played the wrong lip-synched track.

Obviously stirred, she danced around for a while, talked to her bass player and looked completely dumbfounded before she walked offstage. At the end of the show, she apologized for what happened, but blamed her band for playing “the wrong song.”

It’s bad enough Simpson decided to let a CD do the singing (her publicist later said Simpson’s decision had to do with acid reflux disease), but blaming her band for the screw up made her look even more ignorant and irresponsible.

When someone is the leader of a band, that leader has a responsibility to the rest of the members to represent them honestly and fairly. When something goes wrong, or some production assistant presses the wrong button the CD player, the leader of the band has to take the responsibility – even if she is a little girl riding the coattails of her father and older sister.

Once again, Simpson has proved that she does not deserve the spotlight she has garnered as a result of her lineage. There is a reason that good bands and artists last a long time:it’s because they’ve worked hard and had to fight for everything they have.

Simpson has never had to sleep a floor, worry about her next meal, or been forced to give everything she has to her art. On the contrary, it has been handed to her.


On Simpson’s website there is a letter from Chris Fox, drummer of the band, that says the error was his fault. Fox wrote he was supposed to be in charge of starting the background tracks for Simpson’s live performances. He also said the vocal track heard was not a lip-synched recording but “backing vocals.”

Gee, aren’t backing vocals what are used for lip-synched performances?

Later in the week, fans had the chance to catch Simpson again, this time performing at the Radio Music Awards. Ashlee, being the clever girl she is, punk’d the crowd by staging the same type of mess up.

“Just kidding guys!” she joked, before entering into the title track from her CD, “Autobiography,” the song she was supposed to sing on SNL. But we knew she was joking all along. After all, she is just one big joke.

That song, “Autobiography,” like most of her career, seems premature. But maybe for the music industry’s sake, “Autobiography” is properly named.
