Pop quiz! What is the best way to teach young children? Fun, fun, fun! Teachers should use playful, creative projects to teach material and get children excited about learning. One of the best ways to incorporate this idea is music. Playing musical instruments is an enjoyable activity that develops concentration and coordination. We can take it a step further by teaching lessons through songs and

By Gus Bode

When playing music in my classroom, the sounds get the children’s attention immediately. They especially enjoy the song about colors. Each child holds a different colored circle while the song instructs each color to stand up or sit down. This strengthens their listening skills while improving their color recognition. Also, songs help when children are to line up, clean up or pay attention. Instead of repeating directions, teachers can sing simple songs to get on task.

We have endless musical resources at our fingertips. Use this opportunity to expose your family to music from around the world. Every culture and many subcultures have unique musical styles.

Last Friday evening I attended a performance of traditional African music and dance at Shryock Auditorium, called “Azaguno,” meaning “master drummer.” In this group, there were about seven drummers and ten dancers showcasing religious, recreational, battle, hunting and social pieces. Each performance emphasized dance and music techniques with a different tone. The audience could feel the emotions being conveyed through the beautiful art.


This is one of the most powerful aspects of music. Anyone can use music as an outlet to express emotions. Young children that are still identifying their emotions benefit from this tool.

During the show, the Executive and Music Director, Dr. Paschal Yao Younge called upon a young boy from the audience. The boy was invited to come on stage and play with the group. Younge handed him a “talking drum.” Each part of the drum produced a different sound that was beaten with a curled drumstick. Then, Younge gave him a beat to play that corresponded with a phrase, such as “the lion is creeping.” The boy tried to imitate the sounds and did a great job. You could see the pride in the boy’s face. His friends were cheering in the audience.

Using music from different cultures is an essential part of multicultural education. Expand young children’s minds to go beyond the norms of their town, state or country. Give children a sense of identity and at the same time, a sense of group belonging. I encourage you to attend cultural events with young children. It can be an enriching experience for adults and children alike.

Also, inquire if your child’s school or childcare center incorporates multicultural education. If they do not, feel free to suggest they do so. Better yet, volunteer to teach a song or dance from your culture. By doing your part to encourage education through music, young children will thrive under a global perspective of learning.

Audra is a graduate student studying early childhood. Lead the Way appears every Friday. These views do not necessarily reflect those of the Daily Egyptian.
