Campbell correct about black culture

By Gus Bode

I would like to congratulate Mr. Campbell for a thoughtful and courageous article. Mr. Campbell tackled a controversial issue with clarity and resonance. I too, have felt shock and anger when I have heard and witnessed the ghetto and thug-like behavior, which emanates from our campus on a regular basis. I must concur with Mr. Campbell that a major threat to the black community especially, black youth, is not white racism but a virulent and pervasive thug culture which threatens to rob the black community of all that is precious. I recognize that Mr. Campbell and myself will be labeled as Uncle Toms and so forth for discussing an issue publicly that is lamented upon privately. However, it is germane that the African American community united to eradicate this pathology within our community. Moreover, we must join forces to counter the forces that seek to destroy our community, namely a culture of anti-intellectualism, and a desire to relish and wallow in crudeness, and an intense love affair with the Hip-Hop culture. Hopefully, Mr. Campbell’s article will be the impetus for such an important conversation.

