Hicks names new vice president

By Gus Bode

The Undergraduate Student Government President named a new vice president Monday, saying USG would be stronger after the appointment.

Tequia Hicks named Sarah Gray as vice president in front of small gathering of senators in the USG office. Gray, who served as the USG chief-of-staff from fall 2003 through fall 2004, will not officially become the vice president until the Internal Affairs committee reviews the appointment and the senate approves it during a special meeting Wednesday.

Hicks expected to name a vice president last Wednesday, but decided to review the additional candidates. She called Gray’s appointment the best possible outcome. Gray will replace the interim vice president Summer Edmonson.


“This is the easiest transition for a body that needs strength,” Hicks said.

Gray replaces Nate Brown, who has been petitioning to replace the student government since January. Brown resigned last Wednesday after a week of senators calling for him to step down.

Gray said she accepted the position because she wanted to get involved with USG. Gray said she will stay on as vice president for the rest of the semester.

“I’m not taking this position to run for president or overpower Nate,” Gray said.

Brown said his proposed overhaul would limit the number of available seats. Currently there are 58 senate seats with only 33 of them filled. He said limiting student government to 24 seats would produce a more responsive government. Brown said his proposed government would battle the increasingly ugly perception that student senators are apathetic.

Brown, who met with the chancellor Friday to gain approval for his proposed overhaul, still sits on two committees as a USG representative even though he resigned last Wednesday.

“He is not in the interest of hurting USG,” Hicks said.


Hicks said Brown still serves on the Student Center Committee, which meets once a month and the Chancellor’s Advisory Committee, which meets when students appeal their judgments in judicial review cases.

She said senators have been highly opposed to Brown serving on the committees despite his resignation, and said she will probably replace him this week with new appointments to both committees.

Reporter Moustafa Ayad can be reached at [email protected]
