Letter: Voices should shape up

By Gus Bode

Dear Editor,

My favorite part of the paper has always been the Voices section. Lately, I haven’t been so pleased. I understand that it is your duty to report on the bad things that happen as you so eloquently put it in Thursday’s editorial. Why so many bad things? In reading your constantly negative editorials, I have become unhappy, not with the way the school is being run, but with the way the D.E. is being run. Obviously you go here too, so there has to be something keeping you at this school. Give SIU a little credit. Yes, SIU has its problems, but so does every other higher education institution. No school is perfect and I’m not claiming that my school is, but I do believe that you’re not giving the higher-ups a fair try. Stop beating a dead horse and report on something interesting (and positive) that may appeal to your mass of readers for a change!

Amanda Peters


junior in german studies
