Rapper Brother Ali speaks “Truth”

By Gus Bode

Brother Ali “The Undisputed Truth”

Release Date: April 10, 2007




Rating: 3.5/5 stars

If the name Brother Ali doesn’t ring any bells, here are a few quick facts about him.

He’s a black albino. He’s a devout Muslim. He’s a fantastic rapper.

Oh yeah, he also has a new album out, “The Undisputed Truth,” a great entry into the world of hip-hop.

The album opens with “Whatcha Got,” where Ali unrelentingly swaggers amidst soaring organs and a rocking guitar riff. With lyrics such as “The champion is back with his man again/ Crack the book open and fill another chapter in,” it’s obvious that Ali wants to tear apart his rivals while rising in the rap game.

Collaborating on every track is producer Ant, who is also in the underground hip-hop group Atmosphere. He brings a slick sound to Ali’s words and the collaboration offers a great sounding record that very rarely hits a weak spot.


There’s the politically charged “Letter From The Government,” with Ali striking out against Bush and the war. It’s a slow beat that carries more weight in lyrics than sound, but its direct and to the point.

With “Take Me Home,” Ali creates a truly addictive song that is pleasing on the ears. It’s soulful and a fun groove that will bring a smile. That soul carries over into songs such as “Lookin’ At Me Sideways,” “The Puzzle” and “Freedom Ain’t Free.” It gives each track more emotion.

His lyrics interchange between personal and worldviews. Never does Ali immerse himself in one or the other too much, he gives each an equal share from his podium. He doesn’t pull punches though.

The single “Truth Is” has layers of strummed guitars, drifting pianos, wailing chants and reggae beats. It’s a great tune and is clearly one of the standout tracks on “The Undisputed Truth.”

One of the happier tunes on this record would be “Faheem.” The song is about how thankful Ali is to have his son. It’s a touching and short song with a great guitar loop and atmospheric elements.

By the time “The Undisputed Truth” has finished spinning, its clear that Brother Ali had a lot of on his mind. Whether it’s undisputed truth or not will be up to listeners to decide.
