Blog Wars: Historic building you would visit
February 24, 2009
A new art exhibit shows the history of SIUC’s Old Main Building, which burned to the ground in 1969, according to Wes Lawson’s ‘Old Main and new talent.’‘ What historical building that is no longer standing would you most like to have visited?
Wes Lawson
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. The name alone makes me want to visit, but the way that it’s described make it seem like a lost city of ancient Greece. Imagine the Parthenon, but covered in gardens and nymphs and minstrels singing songs of love, and there’s nothing but greenery, trees, and people drinking and having merriment. Sounds pretty effing cool to me.
Luke McCormick
I would have loved to visit the old Boston Garden. After seeing the cinematic masterpiece ‘Celtic Pride’, I would often envision myself sitting there with Dan Akroyd and Daniel Stern. Damon Wayans wouldn’t have stood a chance.
Sean McGahan
In ancient Greece, I would stand in the middle of The Odeum of Patras, a classical theater built in the 2nd century and destroyed in the 3rd. In the wee hours of the morning, the shadows would play off of the tall walls and make for a peaceful, serene sight at the heart of the beautiful Greek landscape. Greece seemed like the place to be.
Jeff Engelhardt
I may not be as artsy as my colleagues with this choice, but give me the Chicago Amphitheater. The building was legendary to me, as I would hear my father tell tales of the classic wrestling matches he saw there with Verne Gagne and Dick the Bruiser. And if it wasn’t wrestling, he told me about the legendary concert UFO performed there, which resulted in one of my favorite albums, ‘Strangers in the Night.’ Then of course Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Van Halen all played there.