Letter: Nice to see SIUC working with compassion

By Gus Bode

Dear Editor:

It is wonderfully refreshing amid all the turmoil happening that students, in particular Southern Illinois University students, are donating their time and energy for the children of St. Jude. The first semester I taught on the Carbondale campus, one of our sons was in the battle for his life with neuroblastoma, the most common extra-cranial solid cancer in childhood and the most common cancer in infancy.’

After some of Carbondale’s finest physician’s had diagnosed and cared for our son, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital opened its doors, research and medical expertise to eradicate this cancer. When cancer hits, it hits the entire family, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital was there to assist, as were many friends. Many families in the community have lost their children to this horrible disease and activities such as the work of Student Development demonstrate a concerned student body. Today, because of the work of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the great SIUC students from Student Development, children such as our son will fight and win the battle against cancer.


Jon Davey

professor of architecture
