Blog Wars: $5/day voyage
March 14, 2009
Travel guru Leon Logothetis is making a travel living on five pounds a day in a new UK television show, according to Genna Ord’s ‘Shrinking economy might not stop expanding horizons.’ Where would you go for $5 a day.
Sean McGahan
I’d have to hit up the distinguished state of Tennessee, where Abraham Lincoln’s face can get you a better deal than I’ve come across nearly everywhere else. The city of Chattanooga is an affordable city with some compelling attractions, and its citizens will join in on my excitement of March Madness as they prepare for their hometown team’s historic first-round upset of No. 1 seed UConn Thursday. A 16-seed has never defeated a No. 1, and I’ve never spent a day in a metropolis without handing over more than $5. Anything is possible.
Jamie Drendel
England.’ I know $5 wouldn’t get me far, but I still choose England because I miss its parks, its pasties and its people.
Tyler Jackson
I’d go to Mexico. You can get beers for a nickel. I know I can’t drink that much, but it doesn’t matter. All you need to know is ‘cerveza’ and ”iquest;Donde esta el ba’ntilde;o?’ and just keep on going.
Dalton McGee
Living on only $5 a day seems impossible just living in little old Carbondale, let alone going to visit somewhere, some distant, far off land. So the best thing I think to do is to go where you get the most bang for your buck. Where the monetary conversion rate is good. Somewhere cheap. I would say Zimbabwe, but just because of hyperinflation doesn’t mean stuff is cheap. For instance Z$100,000,000 buys you three eggs. So, instead, I’m going to have to go with Costa Rica, or some other Central American country. I don’t really have a preference. Somewhere with cheap beer, questionably legal entertainment, and the rain forest. Yeah, let’s just go with Costa Rica.