Poshard receives extended contract

By Gus Bode

The SIU Board of Trustees has extended the contract of President Glenn Poshard to 2015.

Referred to at the meeting as the ‘Amendment to the Presidential Employment Agreement,’ the BOT voted to extend Poshard’s contract in May during its executive session without public discussion. SIU spokesman Dave Gross said when there is no opposition to an item it is generally approved without debate.

‘What appears to have happened was that was a very busy board meeting,’ Gross said.


Roger Tedrick, chair of the BOT, said the sheer volume of business to be discussed at the May meeting prevented proper recognition of Poshard’s existing accomplishments and contract renewal.

Poshard said nothing was hidden from the public at any point during his contract renewal, but no media outlets present at the meeting chose to ask questions.

‘They had the agenda, at any time they could’ve asked about the issue,’ Poshard said. ‘That meeting was wide open.’

Poshard said he had been informed sometime in November or early December of his contract renewal.

‘The policy of the university is that the board has to tell ‘hellip; me in the fourth year of my contract ‘hellip; whether or not they’re going to be renewing my contract after the fifth year,’ Poshard said.

Poshard was appointed system president in 2005 and earns a salary of $300,000. ‘

Madeleine Leroux can be reached at 536-3311 ext. 254 or [email protected].

