New Football T-Shirts celebrate final season

By Gus Bode

Silkworm Inc., in cooperation with the Saluki athletics, has unveiled new football T-shirts commemorating the final season at McAndrew Stadium, with all proceeds going toward Saluki Way.

The shirts are $10 and will be available in a variety of outlets, including Schnucks, Silkworm, Inc., Kroger, SIU Ticket Office, Saluki Bookstore, Stadium Grille, 710 Bookstore, Harbaughs and The Saluki Bar in Chicago.

Senior Marketing Coordinator Samantha Bell said the T-shirts would be unique because of the printing style.


‘It is one of the first T-shirt runs the company has done using the jumbo-printing technique,’ Bell said. ‘We thought that this would be a great chance to use it, to show the entire football stadium as it was.’

Vice President of Silkworm Inc., Cheryl Endres said she is excited about the shirts and how much the project could help Saluki Way.

‘It’s got the all-over print of the stadium with the fans in the seats in the background, so no shirt will be exactly alike because of the printing method,’ Endres said. ‘We want to sell as many shirts as we can. Every little bit helps.’

The design of the shirts has many fans around campus, including head football coach Dale Lennon.

Issac Smith contributed to this report.

