Banter: Did Cubs Handle Milton Bradley Situation correctly?

By Gus Bode

Chicago Cubs General Manager Jim Hendry has asked disgruntled outfielder Milton Bradley to leave the team for the rest of the season, and it is likely that Bradley will be traded in the offseason. Did the Cubs make the right decision in handling Bradley?

It took long enough. After the Twister that Bradley created for the Cubs, it’s not surprising the Cubs went Bonkers over his Shenanigans. I’m glad they sent Bradley back to his home on 13 Dead End Drive, and if they’re lucky, they can get a Barrel of Monkeys for him.

-Ryan Voyles


And now for a haiku:

Guess who hates Milton?

He failed in the game of life.

Go home; get a clue.

-Derek Robbins

Yeah, the Cubbies totally made the right decision. The Cubs aren’t losing any sleep over Bradley being gone. If anything, they gained an hour or two because they don’t have to worry about Bradley going into another explosive manic state and blaming the fans for his unhappiness. The fans at Wrigleyville have enough on their plate as it is.

-Ryan Simonin


A little late Hendry, where was this common sense back in January when you traded away the best utility player in the game, Mark DeRosa? Not like that came back to haunt us ‘hellip; Bradley is the baseball equivalent to Terrell Owens as a clubhouse toxin, just minus the skill set, dominance and comic superhero build. Bradley is merely a self-centered whiner, and feeling sorry for themselves has never gotten the Cubbies anywhere, unfortunately.

-Ray McGillis
