Letter: LifeSavers coming to SIUC
September 15, 2009
Dear Editor:
The week of Sept. 7 was National Suicide Prevention Week.’ Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college-age people.
Every two minutes, someone in the world commits suicide.’ Suicide is preventable, and you can help.
Thursday, Sept. 10, was World Suicide Prevention Day.’ On that day, nine communities across southern Illinois conducted simultaneous candlelight vigils at 8 p.m. to honor those who have died by suicide and to support those who grieve their loss.
In Carbondale, community members and SIU students, faculty and staff attended the vigil at the Town Square Fountain.
There are some students on campus who have learned how to prevent suicide.’ They were trained as LifeSavers back in high school.’ Many have asked for a LifeSavers chapter at SIUC.’
Now is your chance.’ The Wellness Center plans to establish the first SIUC LifeSavers Chapter.’
Today, all former LifeSavers and others interested are invited to attend the first LifeSavers planning meeting at 5 p.m. in Room 111 in the Student Health Center.
Any questions?’ Call Judy at 618-549-5578.
Judy Ashby
Executive Director of the LifeSavers Training Corp.