Student residents upset about fall break policy

By Gus Bode

Students across campus are voicing their concerns due to a recent notification about the fall break visitor policy in the residence halls.

Flyers were put up Tuesday night to notify residents that guests are not allowed on housing grounds during fall break.

Lynnsey Shelton, a senior from Huntley studying psychology, said she is one of many students who was unaware the policy would be in place.


“I’m really upset because I already have someone coming down who’s already bought their ticket,” Shelton said. “Fall break is new this year so they should have been clear on the rules.”

Tina Horvath, associate director of housing, said the decision to exclude guests had been in place since spring when administration decided to implement a fall break.

“We looked at what our past policies have been for breaks and decided this was a break that we would continue and be consistent with our previous policies,” Horvath said.

However, unlike previous intersessions, fall break is the only period where a majority of university facilities will be operating under regular procedures with the exception of housing.

Thomas Aguirre, a freshman from Park Forest, said the lack of information about the policy is unacceptable and that he has only seen one flyer in his dorm, which was put up two nights ago.

Horvath said the message about the policy has been expressed through multiple mediums.

“We’ve used Facebook, we’ve used Twitter and we’ve posted on the housing website,” Horvath said. “Staff have been aware of this since August when they returned, so on our end, there’s been multiple venues from which the information has been pushed out.”


Jackie Bart, a sophomore from Lockport studying physical education, said she was unaware of the policy.  She said she planned for her friend to visit months in advanced but had to cancel when she saw her resident advisor hang the flyer Tuesday night.

“I had to tell him two days before he was suppose to come that he can’t,” said Bart. “The school didn’t do a good job of letting students know, especially since it’s the first time we’re having a fall break. I didn’t get an email or any message directly.”

Gary Duckett, a senior at Illinois State University studying history education, said he was upset about missing the opportunity to see his friend. He said the day after he bought his ticket, Bart called him and informed him of the policy.

“It was frustrating because I work a lot and I don’t have a lot of free time,” Duckett said. “I actually took the weekend off so I’m missing out on that money. I haven’t seen Jackie in a while and I have to miss out on that because they make a ridiculous policy.”

Haley Sawyer, a sophomore from Hillsboro studying psychology, said she is concerned residents are still unaware of restricted visitation. She said a plan needs to be implemented for those guest visiting who have no alternative option.

“They will have to make alternative housing arrangement and they will not be able to stay within university housing,” Horvath said.

