Strike Observations

By Gus Bode

Students sift through classroom confusion

Students across campus have been adjusting to substitute instructors differently. While a number of qualified emeritus faculty, deans, department chairs and departmental professors have stepped in to cover classes, a number of professors have been randomly assigned courses. For instance, Todd Winters, interim dean of the College of Agricultural Science, is teaching a class in history.

While some students have decided to boycott classes to express support for the Faculty Administration, others have taken a more activist approach. James Throgmorton, a senior studying cinema and photography, attempted to organize a walkout Monday during his 3 p.m. lecture class in Lawson Hall of Understanding Visual Media.  It is taught by cinema and photography professor Michele Torre, but it was held Monday by Deborah Tudor, associate dean of the college of mass communication. After Tudor began her lecture, Throgmorton spoke up and said he felt he should go support his picketing teacher. Tudor said he was free to do what he wanted, at which time three or four other students walked out with Throgmorton.



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Students take to campus to express strike concerns

Friday’s edition of Daily Egyptian noted that many classes experienced low numbers and that usually populated locations such as Morris Library and the Student Center were quite vacant. Today saw a shift in activity moving toward the “business as usual” motto, with an exception to students publicly expressing their distaste toward the administration’s recent actions.

Students showed their support to the Faculty Association and striking professors by organizing a protest outside Anthony Hall Monday afternoon. Faculty Association members joined the protest, which attracted more than 400 students. Students picketed with signs that read “Little Egypt doesn’t need a Pharaoh,” “I support the FA” and “On strike for a fair contract.” Chants could be heard throughout the campus with students exclaiming “Don’t hate, negotiate” and “What’s disgusting? Union busting.”

Negotiations halted, to resume today

In an email to the university community, Chancellor Rita Cheng said  the administration and Faculty Association had yet to reach an agreement after 27 hours of continuous bargaining. She said the administration gave the faculty a detailed proposal and took a brief break from negotiations in order to rest. She said they would return in the morning or sooner.

Cheng said the administration was willing to return to the table at any time to settle the contract.

Dave Johnson, spokesperson for the FA, said at a press conference late Monday night the two teams would meet today at 9:30 a.m. in the Student Center to continue negotiations.
