I almost got stranded in Costa Rica.
After a week of sunshine and coffee and pure life – probably one of the best weeks of my life – my sister Sydney and I found ourselves tearing apart our hotel room in a panic, mere hours before our plane was leaving. I’d had our passports the night before, tucked safely away in a bag, but suddenly they were nowhere to be found. They weren’t under the beds, they weren’t in the closet, they hadn’t been thrown away by accident… We weren’t going to make it back home, and it was all my fault.
Part of me was convinced our room had been broken into while we were asleep. But it wasn’t. Turns out, my sister, who swore up and down that she didn’t have it, stuck it in her suitcase by mistake. We’d taken everything out of it multiple times, but it wasn’t until our classmates came to help us that it was found tucked away between sets of clothes. Sydney and I made the walk of shame to the bus, but once we were settled in and music began to play, our spirits were instantly lifted. Everyone sang along to the songs – “Unwritten” by Natasha Bedingfield, “Life is a Highway” by Rascal Flatts, and our field director Jonathan’s favorite, “Passionfruit” by Drake.
Then Jonathan lowered the volume, and left us with some parting words.
“We can lose our passports, but no one can take your heart,” I remember him saying. “That’s the one thing in life that is yours.”
Ever heard of flashbulb memories? I learned about them when I took AP Psych in high school. They’re vivid, highly detailed memories associated with emotionally significant moments. Although, in this case, I think I’d refer to it as a “cinematic memory.” Because sitting on that bus singing songs with my peers who’d gone from acquaintances to friends within just a week, and receiving a motivational speech from our field director right before we had to say goodbye, felt like a scene straight out of a movie. One of those cheesy, coming-of-age dramas I love. And yeah, that sounds sappy. But if you don’t like reading sappy things, then I’d advise you to stop reading now.
PROLOGUE: The search to study abroad
Every other year, the University Honors Program offers a global seminar called “The Earth Around You.” Led by Professor Conder, the subject of the class is geology, but it can be taken to fulfill a Multicultural or Science 1 credit. Through EF Tours, the class consists of nine days studying abroad in Costa Rica, with activities including – but not limited to – ziplining, nature hikes, boat tours and visiting waterfalls.
Let’s rewind to the fall, when I first received an itinerary for the trip. After spending two weeks in England last summer through a separate trip led by an honors professor, I knew I wanted to continue looking for opportunities to expand my education overseas. Science 1 was the only core credit course I still needed to complete, and it was just my luck that the honors class was offered this semester. The class sounded like a dream, so I began the process of enrolling in the trip.
Our journey in Costa Rica was scheduled for spring break, but we started prepping early. Dr. Conder held classes every Wednesday evening leading up to the trip. On the first day of class, he explained that each meeting would consist of a student or two giving a 30 minute presentation, followed by a class discussion of the content.
Initially, I was a bit nervous. I absolutely love nature, but science is not my strength. And a 30 minute presentation? I can’t necessarily say that’s something I was looking forward to. My assignment was to present on the topic of water processes during Week 4, and it felt like I spent at least 20 hours reading the textbook, researching and designing my presentation on Google Slides.
I didn’t enjoy it at the moment, but it turned out to benefit me in the long run. I went on the trip with a general understanding of the environment and culture of Costa Rica, which made it easier to grasp new information and build upon what I already knew.
THE STORY: A week in Costa Rica
“The Earth Around You” is an exploration of Costa Rica’s environment and culture. We traveled all throughout the country, making stops in San José, Los Chiles, Arenal Region, Monteverde, Central Pacific Coast, Manuel Antonio National Park and Sarchí.
If I had to pick a favorite stop, I’d say the Arenal Region. It was there that we visited the La Fortuna Waterfall, a gorgeous cascading waterfall that sits inside of the Arenal Volcano. We hiked near the Arenal Volcano too, which is one of Costa Rica’s largest active volcanoes. We also visited a hot springs resort, where we got to experience naturally-heated pools.
In each location, we learned about Costa Rica’s efforts to sustainability. The country, which has an unofficial catchphrase of “Pura Vida” (translation: “Pure Life”) is often nicknamed “The Living Eden,” and it’s clear why. At each stop, we learned about Costa Rica’s sustainability efforts. At Manuel Antonio National Park, plastic water bottles and food are prohibited, keeping the area clean and free of litter. Earlier in the week, we visited a cocoa plantation, where we watched a demonstration of how chocolate is made. Rather than sampling cacao beans from the plantation, we sampled ones from local residents. Costa Rica uses tourism to its advantage, ensuring that communities are supported.
Throughout the trip, we witnessed several Costa Rican traditions. One day, we made a spur-of-the-moment decision to stop at a horse parade. These traditional festivities are known as “El Tope,” and they showcase the horse training skills of residents. The festivals are also a recognition of Costa Rica’s colonial past, where many families lived on farms and depended on horses.
We got to experience several traditions on our last day in Costa Rica as well. We took a day trip to Sarchí, where we visited the Eloy Alfaro cart factory, a popular tourist destination and souvenir shop, which showcases the manufacturing of ox carts, the national symbol of Costa Rican workers. I had a brief conversation with an artisan named Edgar, who used enamel oil paint to decorate a wheel for an ox cart. Jonathan talked with me about the modern practice as well. He said that the Costa Rica government sends artists who are hard of hearing to the factory to gain experience in their craft.
I made sure to use this trip as an opportunity to strengthen my journalistic skills as well. My specialty is writing, but I’ve been taking Beginning Photojournalism with Professor Julia Rendleman this semester. She encouraged me to bring my camera to Costa Rica, so I took more photos with it rather than my phone. Looking at the photos I took, I am very impressed with how they turned out. I am definitely getting more comfortable working with a camera, and I’m finally starting to see progress. My goal is to become a multi-faceted journalist, and I think that hard work is starting to pay off.
Also, I learned firsthand how difficult the language barrier may be, and that you have to be flexible. I haven’t taken a Spanish class since junior year of high school, so I struggled to follow along with conversations. I had a class assignment to take a portrait of someone in their environment, and I thought Edgar would be the perfect subject, since he is an artist and was surrounded by paint. However, like my Spanish, his English was very limited. Luckily, Jonathan was able to help me ask for his permission to take the photo. This experience has inspired me to start practicing again, with the hope that one day, I’ll be able to interview and connect with people more easily and meaningfully.
Our journey in Costa Rica ended with dinner at a restaurant just outside of our hotel in San José. Almost all of the restaurants we visited were outdoors, and this one actually overlooked the San José skyline. The restaurant also held a folklore show, which is a beautiful dance that features vibrant costumes, folk music and storytelling. The dancers even brought the crowd to the stage, having us twirl and sway with them.
I think it was the perfect ending to this story.
EPILOGUE: Reflecting on the trip
As I type this article, postcards from Costa Rica decorate my desk, and a snow globe of the Arenal Volcano sits on my shelf. It’s been two weeks since we left Costa Rica, and it’s hard to believe we were even there. Sure, I’ve got these keepsakes and my skin is still peeling from the sunburns and I keep waking up two hours before my alarms as if my body still thinks I have a 7 a.m. bus to catch, but the memories of it all just feels surreal. I made new friends, I continued to form a well-rounded education, and I learned so much about the earth around me – pun intended.
I am so grateful to the University Honors Program for continuing to provide these once-in-a-lifetime opportunities, so before I cut the camera, I want to express my gratitude. Thank you to Dr. Conder for leading this global seminar, it was a pleasure. Thank you to Jonathan Castillo for being the best field director we could have asked for. And to my classmates – Maddie, Yadhvi, Natalie, Keegan, Katelyn, Olivia L., Sydney, Ainsley, Olivia B. and Aizley – thank you for all the fun memories. I couldn’t have asked for a better group to travel with.
Pura Vida!
News editor Carly Gist can be reached at cgist@dailyegyptian.com. To stay up to date on all your southern Illinois news, be sure to follow The Daily Egyptian on Facebook and Instagram @dailyegyptian.