NBA gets it right with ‘no flopping’ rule

By Alex Rostowsky

No one likes a faker.

The National Basketball Association implemented an “anti-flopping” rule Oct. 4, which will penalize players who exaggerate body movements after contact and fall to the floor to draw foul calls.

Flopping can happen on both the offensive and defensive sides of the ball. The NBA has seen a notable increase over the past few seasons as officials have been more likely to call a charge than ever before.


An NBA official said in an Oct. 3 press release the act has “no place in our game.” This season’s flopping repercussions certainly support that statement.

Whenever there is a suspected flop, NBA officials will look at video after the game has finished to determine whether the player was legitimately fouled or was just pulling a fast one.

If league officials decide the action was indeed a flop, the guilty player will receive a verbal warning for his first offense. The second incident will result in a $5,000 fine. The third will cost the player $10,000, the fourth $15,000 and a fifth offense will cost $30,000.

A sixth offense could lead to a possible suspension, and suspended players are docked pay for the games they miss.

Tayt Rohrer, a junior from Lincoln studying sport administration, said he is unsure how the new rule will play out this season. He said he thinks the players will test the rule and see how strictly the league enforces it.

“I think some players will still (flop) just to see how serious the NBA is about it, and to test their grounds,” he said. “If the NBA actually puts its foot down, I think it’ll stop.”

As it typically goes, when a league such as the NBA makes a universal decision, not everyone is pleased. Billy Hunter, executive director of the NBA Players Association, has taken offense on behalf of his players.


“We believe that any monetary penalty for an act of this type is inappropriate and without precedent in our sport or any other sport,” he said. “We will bring appropriate legal action to challenge what is clearly a vague and arbitrary overreaction and overreach by the commissioner’s office.”

Dallas Mavericks star Dirk Nowitzki, who is considered by many as a notorious flopper, is also not fond of the decision and called the new rule “a bunch of crap.”

Although some do not support the new rule, it seems as if the overall consensus from the fans and players in the league has been positive. Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers, one of the most celebrated athletes in the league, said he likes the rule. He called flopping a “chump move.”

Blake Harris, a senior from Metropolis studying advertising, said he is happy the NBA developed the rule.

“I’m glad they’re doing it,” he said. “It’s frustrating watching the games where people are flopping. It takes away from the game.”

The legal process that will likely ensue will surely be nauseating as it usually is, but when it’s all said and done, this rule will likely stand. The NBA should be commended for actually listening to a fan’s voice.

The NBA will often times take action when it comes to financial issues, citing a preservation of the league. Commissioner David Stern and his associates finally did something to truly fortify the league’s integrity.

Flopping became a phenomenon in the league last year, especially in the playoffs. Players such as Blake Griffin, Paul Pierce, Manu Ginobili and Chris Bosh fell to the floor whenever they could to draw a foul.

Now, with the new rule in place, acting can be left to the professionals.
