Interim chairman of aviation to step down, email says

May 3, 2016
The interim chairman of SIU’s aviation management and flight department is stepping down at midnight Wednesday, according to an email obtained by the Daily Egyptian.
José R. Ruiz — who has been at the university since 1995, according to his online biography — sent an email to aviation students and staff about 9:10 p.m. Tuesday saying he was resigning earlier than he originally planned.
“My contract as interim chair was due to expire on June 30th,” he wrote in the email. “However, circumstances have forced me to accelerate that timeline. … It has been an honor to represent this department, but some of the actions I have been asked to engage in are contrary to what I believe in. As such, I felt that I had no option, but to step down.”
Ruiz could not be reached for comment as of Tuesday night.
In his email, Ruiz said he will continue to serve as a faculty member. Andy Ju An Wang, dean of College of Applied Sciences and Arts, “or his designee will assume the responsibilities of acting department chair,” Ruiz wrote.
This story will be updated as information becomes available.
Luke Nozicka can be reached at 618-536-3325 or [email protected].