Farewell: A quiet ‘thank you’

Chase Pierce

Editor-in-chief Emily Cooper holds up copies of the Daily Egyptian on Dec. 10, 2019.

By Emily Cooper, Editor in Chief

I’ve rewritten this letter once or twice more than I’d like to acknowledge. I tried following the usual format of thanking the ones who got me here, etc. 

You get the point.

However, it didn’t seem like me, and I didn’t want to repeat what others previously written. So, here’s my version of a farewell: 


I’m probably the quietest person I know, and that’s saying a lot coming from a loud family.

I’m the type of student to sit in the back corner of the classroom with my head in my notebook taking notes.

This past summer, I stayed at school to take on this new role of editor-in-chief, something quite foreign to me. While staying at school, I had to take a summer class. 

Again, I was the quietest one in the classroom. Nothing I was ashamed of; it’s just my nature. 

The final few days of the course came and a classmate made an observation, and said, “you’re probably the quietest journalist I know.” 

As you can imagine, it’s stuck in my head ever since. Not because I was offended. I was flattered, if I’m being honest. 

In high school it was never taught, but it was a general consensus that journalists need to be loud. I never agreed, but I went on with my work as usual. 


Fast forward to the end of my sophomore year in college, former Editor-in-Chief Brian Muñoz called me into his office. I didn’t think much, it was just as any other day. 

However, I was wrong. He asked me my thoughts of taking his position. I laughed nervously and didn’t know what to say. Of course, I wanted to take on this role, but I was nervous because I was never the first to be picked, or more the first to speak. 

That day opened my eyes to the new horizon on its rise as I began to see my potential in this field.

A journalist doesn’t have to be the most outspoken, a journalist just needs to know when to speak. 

If I’m honest, I didn’t comprehend that second part of the equation until this semester. 

With this semester about under my belt, I now know when my voice needs to be heard. 

This has been a major learning point in my short career, but I wouldn’t change it for anything. It has taught me things I wouldn’t be able to understand without being in this position.  

I have been able to use this platform as a way to teach my fellow co-workers as much as I possibly can about the journalism field. I connected what I have learned in the classroom to guide the Daily Egyptian staff.

I spent many, many hours making presentations and handouts, as well as providing advice to help the next generation of journalists as they go through their college years in hopes of inspiring them as my former bosses at the Daily Egyptian have inspired me. 

I may never know how much I impacted them or our readers, but I wanted to say my farewell to all. 

No matter how many things in my life changed, my love for journalism has always remained. 

Journalism has been my end goal since my sophomore year in high school. Being able to serve as the editor-in-chief has made me work harder, become more thankful and feel more determined than ever.

It has been an honor to take this position.

Although it may take until halfway through this next semester to see how my work at the Daily Egyptian impacted it, I know it pays off.

So for that, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It may not always have been glamorous, but it something that was needed. 

In saying that, thank you southern Illinois for welcoming me here with open arms my freshman year and allowing this region to be my home away from home. 

With gratitude,

Emily Cooper, Editor-in-Chief

Emily Cooper can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter at @ECooper212.

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