Vineyard to provide blues, barbecue

By Jake Saunder

The sound of blues accompanied by the tastes of barbeque and Wine and an overall feel for a good time out – will emanate Friday and Saturday from the Pheasant Hollow Winery.

The Blues, Butts and Nuts festival, now in its second year at the winery, will feature bands such as Carbondale music legend Tawl Paul and Big Larry, as well as St. Louis band The Deciders.

Area business Uncle Joe’s Sauces will cater the event, providing the barbeque pork butts the title offers up.


Bruce Morgenstern, a co-owner of the Winery for about the last 15 years, said last year’s event met with some poor weather but was still a success.

“It was a really good turn-out for the weather that we had, but we backed our festival a couple of weeks,” he said. “We originally had it the first week in October and now we’re doing it the first weekend in September.”

But a festival wouldn’t be complete without the barbeque. Uncle Joe’s Sauces has been in business for about 3 years, run by Joe Wilkerson.

Wilkerson’s business has been in cooperation with Pheasant Hollow Winery for the past several years, working with one another on several events in the surrounding area.

One of Uncle Joe’s sauces, a red sauce, which is a marinara, is even procured from one of Pheasant Hollow’s prolific wines, and the wine is that of a creation with an aromatic taste from blackberries and blueberries, known solely as the “Black and Blue.”

Wilkerson said he invites everyone out to have a good time.

“We always have really good festivals together,” Wilkerson said. “It should be fun.”

