HackSI 24 hour hackathon challenges creative minds

By Elizabeth Biernacki, Staff Reporter

HackSI, a 24 hour long “hackathon,” is returning to SIU this Saturday and Sunday for the seventh year in a row.

(See more: HackSI holds sixth annual hackathon Nov. 3-4, includes ‘everything from robots to drones to 3D printers’)

The event begins at 8 a.m. and will go until 8 p.m. both days. During that time participants of all ages will put their skills and creativity to the test, individually or in teams.


According to a press release, creativity ranges from computer programming, graphic and interface design, game design and more.

“HackSI is an event where people of all ages and ability levels come together to create using technology,” Ken Stoner, a volunteer, said. Tools like Arduinos, Raspberry Pi’s, 3d printers, drones, virtual reality systems, and laser cutters are made available to everyone.”

Whether it’s figuring out how to turn on a light with concentration, having a wheelchair hold an umbrella so users can be hands free, or a kid figuring out how to get a snack without getting up, Stoner said the environment is fun and full of creativity.

A Game Jam is also to be added this year courtesy of the SIUeSports. Groups of participants will be able to design their own game.

At the end of the event, participants will present their creations at a ceremony at 6 p.m. on Nov. 3. The public is welcome to attend.

HackSI will take place at the Dunn-Richmond Economic Development Center, 1740 Innovation Drive in Carbondale. To register, visit hacksi.org.

Staff reporter Elizabeth Biernacki can be reached at ebiernacki@dailyegyptian.com or on Twitter at @EBiernacki_619.


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