Police respond to ‘disturbance’ at mayor’s house Saturday night, Henry responds

Jacob Wiegand | @jawiegandphoto

Carbondale Mayor Mike Henry talks about Thursday’s shooting death of 19-year-old Javon T. Trott, of Johnston City, on Friday, March 10, 2017, at Carbondale Civic Center.

By Staff Report, News Desk

Police responded to a disturbance on West Hill street late Saturday where a disturbance was found to have come from Mayor John “Mike” Henry’s house, according to a Carbondale Police news release.

“The investigation revealed a disturbance was occurring between the Mayor and his wife,” the release said. “The officers remained at the scene until officers from the SIU Department of Public Safety responded to complete an independent investigation at the request of the Carbondale Police Department.”

John “Mike” Henry posted on social media Monday evening explaining the disturbance between him and his wife, Terri. He said tensions rose while they had family visiting and he and his wife were arguing about it. 

“Our porch doors were open and our arguing drew the attention of a police foot patrol,” Henry said in the post. “Ironically, they were doing exactly what they should have been doing as part of the targeted foot patrol policies I have been encouraging.”

No charges have been filed and there were no injuries which required medical treatment, according to the release.

The investigation will be forwarded to the Jackson County State’s Attorney’s Office.

There was never any violence, or threat of violence,” Henry said. “Just some hurt feelings in a difficult family situation.”

This is a developing story and will be updated as more information becomes available.

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