Medieval Combat Club, a recognized sport club at SIU, is more than LARPing
Members of SIU’s Medieval Combat Club battle in front of Morris Library, on Tuesday, Sept. 4, 2018. (Carson VanBuskirk | @carsonvanbDE)
September 14, 2018
Medieval Combat Club meets Tuesdays in the field near Morris Library from 5-7 p.m. to practice medieval combat.
“What we do is we take these foam weapons and simulate medieval combat by making sure it’s safe and accessible to people,” Kayla Chamness, president of Medieval Combat Club, said.
The group is a mix between actual combat and fight-simulation, Chamness said. People who enjoy medieval times, sci-fi or even theater may also find interest in this club.
“I think theater kids would really like it because they can make their own character and set [sic] in this sport,” Chamness said.
Medieval Combat Club is an actual sport and is recognized by the university as a registered sports club, according to the university’s sports club page.
“We make sure we keep that status,” Chamness said. “We do take everything within the sport seriously such as the combat, such as the progression [of skill.]”
The sport is also great physical activity, Logan Plummer, a member of Medieval Combat Club, said.
“It really was the catalyst for me becoming more sociable and more physically fit and a healthy individual,” Plummer said. “It presented physical activity to me in a way that’s enjoyable and non-traditional.”
There is a technique that goes into this sport, Abby Sell, secretary of Medieval Combat Club said.
“The a-frame that you use in boxing, we use that for our footwork here as well,” Sell said.
Sell has been a part of the sport for 12 years, and a member of Medieval Combat Club since its creation in 2013.
Injuries in the club are real and have happened previously, Chamness said.
“I saw a guy rush a line once and break his ankle because he charged it improperly,” Chamness said.
The club offers classes that focus on body mechanics and the proper way to handle the more dangerous weapons, Chamness said. The classes are held during practices on Tuesday and will start in the second hour around 6:30 p.m.
Sell said the best part about it is the sense of community it creates.
“[You meet] a lot of people from different walks of life and they each can be a part of it in some way, shape or form,” Sell said.
There is a place for everyone whether you want to fight on the field or just dress up and have fun, Plummer said.
“If you want to fight you come out here and fight,” Plummer said. “If you want to dress up and have fun you’re on the same field. Everyone’s out there playing their game, we just have a shared set of rules.”
The club has larger field fights and simulated bridge battles at an event in January, Chamness said.
“[The fights] kind of mimic actual terrain in a war,” Chamness said.
The club is looking for new members and it’s as easy as coming to the field, Plummer said.
“It is a very non-committal group,” Plummer said. “Show up, sign the waiver and you get out what you put in.”
The waiver is for new members to understand the possibility of injuries including bumps, bruises, cuts, sprains or concussions, Chamness said. Basically, any typical injuries associated with other sports.
Staff reporter Austin Phelps can be reached at or on Twitter at @austinphelps96.
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