Morris Library workshop series teaches students how to 3-D print
August 28, 2017
Starting Wednesday, students will have the chance to learn how to use 3-D printing technology through a series of free workshops in Morris Library.
“A lot of people aren’t aware that we have [a 3-D printer], and if they do know that they don’t realize that they’re allowed to use it,” said Jennifer Horton, a librarian and the organizer of the workshop. “We let anyone use them — it can be for class projects or just for fun.”
The workshop series has been held periodically over the last few years, and Horton said awareness of 3-D printing technology has been gradually increasing.

“When I first started it, most people hadn’t seen one,” Horton said. “Now they’re showing up on TV shows and the news.”
The workshops will teach students to make their own creations from start to finish, with assistance provided by library staff.
Morris Library will offer 3-D scanning workshops after the printing workshops end, Horton said.
These will enable students to scan objects quickly instead of creating them in a computer program.
Times and dates for the 3D printing and scanning workshops are available at Additional information on the workshops can also be found at
Staff writer Kitt Fresa can be reached at
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