Dunn appoints search committee for athletic director

By Aaron Graff, @Aarongraff_DE

SIU President Randy Dunn appointed members to a search committee for a new athletic director Monday.

Former athletic director Mario Moccia started the same position at his alma mater New Mexico State on Jan. 5.

Harold Bardo, former director of the SIU Carbondale Medical and Dental Education Preparatory Program, has been serving as the interim athletic director. He previously said he would not come out of retirement to take the position.


The committee will begin searching immediately. Dunn hopes to fill the position this spring.

Committee members are:

Matt Baughman, assistant to the chancellor (ex officio)

Terri Harfst, director, Office of Financial Aid, committee chair

Dr. Roger Herrin, member of the SIU Board of Trustees

Julie McDannel, administrative business associate, chancellor’s office

Oscar Medina, student, president of the Student Athletic Advisory Committee and cross-country runner


Faith Miller, associate professor of Dental Hygiene

Julie A. Partridge, associate professor, Sport and Exercise Psychology and NCAA faculty athletic representative

Connie Price-Smith, track and field coach

Joel Sambursky, former Saluki quarterback and SIU Board of Trustees member.

Barry A. Smith, former Saluki basketball player and past president of SIU Alumni Association

Alyssa Wunderlich, student and member of the SIU softball team

Aaron Graff can be reached at [email protected] or at 536-3311 ext. 256
