Crime at SIU stayed about the same from 2014 to 2015, Clery report shows

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By Hannah Cooper

Crime at the university did not fluctuate much from 2014 to 2015, according to SIU’s Department of Public Safety’s Annual Security and Fire Report for 2015.

There were slightly fewer reports of dating violence, domestic violence and stalking in 2015 compared to the previous year, but the number of reported rapes was 13 each year, according to the report released Sunday in compliance with the Clery Act.

Burglary incidents remained at 40 while three more motor vehicle thefts were reported in 2015 compared to none in 2014.


The number of arrests in 2015 related to liquor law violations was 165 — slightly up from 2014 — and the number of arrests related to drug law violations was at 112 — slightly down from the previous year.

SIU Police Chief Benjamin Newman said the number of alcohol-involved incidents increased on campus, but decreased in the resident halls.

“Disciplinary referrals decreased from prior years due to increased education and clarification in reporting procedures,” Newman said.

MORE: Making sense of the annual SIU safety report

Incidents of illegal weapons possessions decreased across the board as well, with the number of arrests going from four in 2014 to zero in 2015.

The Clery Act requires all college and universities that participate in federal financial aid programs to keep and disclose information on crime committed on and near campus. The full report can be read here.

Staff writer Hannah Cooper can be reached at or on Twitter @hcooper_DE.


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