Sex: Maslow’s best basic need
March 1, 2015
Abraham Maslow was definitely onto something when he theorized people prioritize sex and food over everything else.
Sex is a part of our lives whether you are having a ton of it, not enough of it or you have recently been on the Internet for more than five minutes.
Even with sex bombarding all aspects of our culture—I am looking at you, every advertisement ever—there is a serious lack of productive conversation.
This problem coupled with my lack of filter and tendency to overshare brings you the best thing since contraception: a place for us to openly discuss what puts the dirty in the ‘Dale.
Spoiler alert: your parents had sex to make you. Getting down to business is not new nor is it going anywhere, so there is no need to be embarrassed, ashamed or offended. This column will serve to inform, advise and tell you all about my relevant rendezvous.
Regarding sex as too controversial to discuss in a public forum is the problem itself. Sex is relevant to everyone; therefore people should feel comfortable enough to talk about it.
So if you are unsure where to find the morning-after pill when the Student Health Center is closed or you want to read about my latest run-in with a penis piercing, you have come to the right place.
Share your thoughts, stories and questions so we can talk about sex.
Editor’s note: Viewpoints expressed in DE After Dark do not necessarily represent those of the Daily Egyptian. This column will appear in the pulse section of the Daily Egyptian on Mondays. If you have contributions or questions, please email [email protected].