SIU police: Come play Pokémon GO with us
Pokémon GO. (Niantic, Inc.)
August 11, 2016
SIU police are inviting students to play Pokémon GO with some of their officers early next week.
The event, which the Department of Public Safety is calling “Pokémon with the police,” will be from 3 to 5 p.m. Monday at Shyrock Auditorium.
“This is an informal way to meet several SIU police officers,” according to a flyer the department tweeted this morning. “Feel free to play Pokémon GO with the police officers and/or other students.”
MORE: Pokemon Go developer is top game-app maker in 45 countries
The first 20 participants will get a gift card for a free 16-ounce shaken ice tea from Blend Tea and Crepe Lounge on South University Avenue, police said.
Pokémon w/the Police @ Shryock Mon Aug 15 3 to 5pm
1st 20 participants get a Blend Tea and Crepe gift card— SIUC_Police (@SIUC_Police) August 11, 2016