Top video game news of the week: Oct. 12
October 16, 2015
Nintendo NX is a console-handheld hybrid
Nintendo is supposedly sending out development kits of their upcoming new console, codenamed the NX.
Reports claim that the console will have “industry-leading chips” to compete with Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It contains a mobile unit to be used with the console or be taken on the go.
We have known about the NX for a while, but had few details. This news is interesting and fits Nintendo’s out-of-the-box approach. Its current console, the Wii U, is selling poorly and is a less powerful machine than its competitors. Meanwhile, they have a lead in the handheld gaming market, but are still dominated by mobile phones.
While clever, I can see this struggle. I’m not sure how relevant handheld consoles still are and they have an uphill battle gaining hardcore console fans. Perhaps Nintendo will prove me wrong, but I do not see this making much of a dent in the console market when it potentially ships in 2016. This could be their last chance to show they are still part of the console race.
‘Until Dawn’ might get a sequel
Supermassive Games, developer of the decision-heavy horror game “Until Dawn,” has discussed the possibility of a sequel.
Executive Producer Pete Samuels said the original game surpassed expectations.
During an interview with website Playstation Lifestyle he said, “I think that you should expect the team to build on what we’ve done with Until Dawn, whether it’s in horror or in other genres … We do talk internally about what Until Dawn 2 could be, as it clearly can’t be a sequel in the traditional sense, with the same characters facing the same threat, not least of which because in different stories some or all of them are already dead! We’ve investigated other ways we could do Until Dawn 2 but it probably is a little early to be discussing that.”
Clearly something is in the works, but nothing is set in stone yet.
I never played “Until Dawn” but its concept was always intriguing because a player’s decision really made a difference and potentially led to a character’s death. I am glad this new game sold well, because it is always good to see original games succeed; variety is important for the gaming industry.
“Until Dawn” was reviewed well by many gaming outlets and anything that sells well is likely to receive a sequel.
The Daily Egyptian’s Austin Miller really enjoyed “Until Dawn.”
‘Bloodborne’ gets a game of the year edition before the end of the year
Sony has announced a game of the year edition of the highly praised “Bloodborne” to be released Nov. 25.
In addition to getting “Bloodborne,” the package also includes “The Old Hunters” expansion.
I cannot help but feel Sony is trying to promote their best game this year because of their meager lineup this holiday season.
“Bloodborne” is one of the best games of the year, and someone will definitely give it game of the year, but the announcement is premature and just a marketing move.
‘Destiny’s’ new dance
Bungie on Tuesday added microtransactions, a controversial service that allows people to spend real money on items in a game after buying the game, to their popular online first-person shooter Destiny.
Simply put, players can purchase “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’s” Carlton dance.
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This is revolutionary industry news.
Grant Meyer can reached at or on Twitter @GrantMeyerDE