House party website replaces sidewalk chalk

By Gus Bode

Website informs students about house parties, bars

Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, SIU Admissions, SIU curriculum and wait what’s this,

Yes, that is right. is a new website created to give SIU students the low down on what house parties and bars are happening in town.


The creators of the website, who have asked to remain anonymous, started the site last week after an idea created last year.

“It is no different than chalk on sidewalks,” one of the creators said.

The creator said there have been over 6,000 hits so far. He describes the website as a free place to go to find out where and what parties are going on.

Sean Bell, an SIU sophomore, thinks the website is a good idea.

“It’s nice,” he said. “You can map out exactly where you want to go to.”

The site allows people to post listings for parties and to browse through the listing’s details. Each listing gives the basic information of the date, time and location with printable maps to each party site.

PartySIU also gives details, such as the amount of kegs, the type of beer and liquor and the type of music being played.


Once the party is posted, the host can change its status. There is either a green sign meaning “Go” or a red stop sign warning “Cops,” “Over” or ” “Tap Out.”

Pete McKenzie, a student and host of one of the posted parties, has mixed feelings about the website because he believes “more people will probably come.”

One of McKenzie’s biggest concerns is with the police possibly becoming involved.

Dan Manis, another party host and user of the website, said he was a little worried about the police.

“It’s strange to me to advertise parties on the Internet that are catering to underage drinking,” he said.

Manis believes that PartySIU will help draw more of a crowd to his parties. His roommate described the website as “stupid.” He laughed as he wondered who would get arrested this weekend.

Along with house party listings, the website gives a short review of local bars in the area. The review consists of pricing, music and overall atmosphere.

The creator of PartySIU described his website as a “community service” to SIU students.

Matt Siegal, a freshman in administration of justice, thinks the site is good for freshman that can’t get into the bars.

“Personally, I think it’s kind of sad that people are going to be on the Internet instead of actually at the parties,” Siegal said.

Another feature of PartySIU lists and explains the rules for several types of drinking games.

Trent Perkins, another host of an upcoming party, said he has already been advertising his parties the old-fashioned way – with chalk on the sidewalks of campus.

“It will let people know where the good beer is,” Perkins said, referring to his house where the beer is CO2 powered, “just like the bars.”

The creators of PartySIU are planning on adding a live chat room and “drunken photos” to their already growing website.

“We don’t know how big this is going to get,” the creator said.

Reporter Bethany Krajelis can be reached at
