124 citations issued during Polar Bear weekend

February 2, 2016
While overall citations decreased during this year’s Polar Bear weekend, hospital visits at Memorial Hospital of Carbondale went up 50 percent.
Carbondale and Illinois State Police issued 116 citations to 97 individuals, 42 of which were identified as SIUC students, during Polar Bear weekend, according to a preliminary report released Tuesday. The two agencies wrote 139 citations during last year’s drinking holiday.
At least 30 individuals were treated for injuries associated with Polar Bear activities, Rosslind Rice, Southern Illinois Healthcare communications coordinator, wrote in an email. Patient visits were up 50 percent in the Emergency Department at Memorial Hospital of Carbondale compared to last year, she said. Exact numbers on hospital admissions were not available Tuesday night.
Of the 116 citations, six were for assault with a deadly weapon and two each for aggravated battery, unlawful use of weapons and fighting. Carbondale police also cited an individual for aggravated battery of a police officer.
Fifty-two people were cited for underage possession or consumption of alcohol, and 38 were cited for public possession of alcohol.
SIU police reported 14 preliminary citations, nine of which were for underage possession or consumption of alcohol, down from 15 in 2015. Four of the nine citations were issued to SIUC students.
MORE: SIU student shot during robbery over Polar Bear weekend | Polar Bear partiers roll with the punches
Combined, Carbondale and SIU police cited three individuals for possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia.
Tyler Crotzer can be reached at tcrotzer@dailyegyptian.com or 618-536-3325.