SIU police launch investigation following graffiti incident at Faner Hall

By Anna Spoerre, @AnnaSpoerre

Students walking to class Monday may have seen a series of messages written on the walls of Faner Hall.

The campus police department launched an investigation after they were notified of the estimated $3,000 in damages, SIU spokeswoman Rae Goldsmith said.

She said the individual or individuals involved, if discovered, may face criminal charges for the graffiti, which is considered criminal damage to state property.


Messages included, “Riot Proof…We’ll See,” on the east side of Faner Hall and, “You are not a loan? All Money to the administration,” on the building’s northwest end.

Another read, “Debt rules everything around me, monthly, monthly bills y’all, May 2nd.” 

MORE: Images from Faner Hall graffiti incident 

Goldsmith said the university is paying attention to social media and other outlets to see if any consistent messages show up across the board. She said the university has found no reason for individuals to be concerned. 

“We don’t have any reason to believe at this point that there is any particular focus to that particular message but we will continue to pay attention,” she said.

Brad Dillard, associate director of facilities at SIU’s Physical Plant, said his staff hopes to have the vandalism removed by the end of Monday.


This story will be updated as more information becomes available.

Anna Spoerre can be reached at or 618-536-3325.
