Sigma Kappa hosts annual Violet Gala

On April 2, 2022, the Southern Illinois University (SIU) Sigma Kappa sorority chapter hosted their annual Violet Gala at Route 51 Brewery from 7 p.m.-10:30 p.m

Caitlyn Bartsch, vice president of philanthropic services for Sigma Kappa, said she and her team have been preparing for the gala since Jan. 12 they organized a fun filled night with entertainment such as a dinner included in the ticket price, a DJ, Sigma Kappa philanthropy videos, a silent auction, and raffle baskets. 

“The purpose of the gala is to raise money for the Alzheimer’s disease research fund in the Sigma Kappa Foundation and we have a goal of raising $15,000 through this. This is the first time that we’ve had the event since 2019 in person.” Bartsch said.


The president of Sigma Kappa, Grace Gonzalez, said proceeds from the gala were raised to support the Alzheimer’s Research Fund. 

“My hope for the gala is that we continue to bring awareness to this disease and that we make Alzheimer’s a distant memory,” Gonzalez said. 

As of March 25, the sisters of Sigma Kappa raised almost $9,000 with donations still trickling in, Bartsch said. 

“The gala is a formal event, so typically we say dress as if you were attending a wedding,” Gonzalez said. 

There were three different sponsorship packages businesses and organizations could purchase. The Violet Sponsor was for $1,000 and included 15 event tickets with VIP seating, stage acknowledgement, prominent logo on print media, name and logo on event slideshow, and social media thank you according to a post on the official SIU Sigma Kappa Instagram account.

“We actually got a Lavender sponsorship from Traxx for $500 and our bus company, I think it’s called Bus to Chicago, the bus company that we usually use, they sponsored for $250, then we’ve gotten a lot of donations from local businesses in Carbondale such as Sergios who donated $200 of gift cards,” Bartsch said.

The Lavender Sponsor was for $500 and includes 8 event tickets, name and logo on print media, name and logo on event slideshow, and a post on social media thanking the sponsors according to the post. The Maroon Sponsor was for $250 and included 4 event tickets, name and logo on event slideshow, and a social media thank you.


Additional sponsors included Flagpole Express, Payne family CPA and someone within Sigma Kappa who lost a family member, Gonzalez said. 

Be on the lookout for a brand new upcoming event next year that has never been done before that Sigma Kappa will be introducing to raise funds and awareness for Alzheimer, Gonzalez said. 

Sigma Kappa greatly appreciates all of the support that we’ve had thus far,” Bartsch said. 

Staff reporter Carolyn Dickte To stay up to date with all your Southern Illinois news follow the Daily Egyptian on Facebook and Twitter.
