Job and Internship fair coming back to Carbondale

Over 100 organizations will be coming to Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIU) to take part in the job and internship fair. The fair will be held on Feb. 15 in the Student Center ballrooms from 10 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Sheila Colombo, the employee relations coordinator for the Career Development Center, said the fair has been around since the 1980s and they have 101 organizations coming to the event.

“Employers are recruiting for internships and career opportunities, and we have a few graduate schools attending,” Colombo said. “SIU’s School of Law will be available to answer questions about their Juris Doctor program and SIU’s Paul Simon Public Policy Institute will be on hand to share information about legislative internships.”


The organizations coming will range from Toyota, WSIU, Girl Scouts of America and many more.

Colombo said the Career Development Center has a variety of services to help students get ready for the upcoming event.

“We offer resume critiques, we offer one-on-one counseling. […] Students should always be prepared to engage employers in conversation and to be able to convey their skillset, education and background,” Colombo said.

According to Colombo these services will allow students to see what it will be like when preparing for an interview, and give them a chance to network effectively with organizations.

Akami Eayrs, the Director of Admissions for the SIU School of Law said the fair allows students to get a chance to network and talk to people in their field.

“I hope that they are able to see different options that are available to them. Giving them an opportunity to see all the potential that they could have in these sectors is very intriguing and important,” Eayrs said.

Eayrs said the School of Law helps students by getting them placed in an area where they can work with someone in the legal profession who will show them how the judicial system works.


“One of the placements could be, working with a judge and so our students will learn about the legal system and they’ll learn about the judge and work in their chambers and hone their research and writing skills and basically learning how the judge makes decisions and observing court proceedings.” Eayrs said

Earys said being able to get students working with a judge and showing them how the court process works is what makes SIU’s law program unique.

Tina Carpenter, the CEO of the local Boys and Girls Club said the Boys and Girls Club allows students who want to work with kids a chance to help them.

Her organization offers hands-on experience for anyone who is interested in helping kids achieve their goals, Carpenter said.

“What’s really important to us is that anyone that comes to work for us, or even volunteer for us, has a passion for young people. The work is extremely hard, but it’s extremely rewarding,” Carpenter said. “I can guarantee that when you leave here, you will be tired. But, there will be something in your day that was rewarding, and you’re having an impact on our future leaders.”

Carpenter said her organization also prides itself on having programs that help kids learn helpful skills they can use in life.

“We have a theme, and this semester is FAME, which stands for futures, achievements, mentoring and excellence. We’re just kind of giving kids different opportunities and access,” Carpenter said.

The programs offer kids a chance to learn new things such as conflict resolution and setting goals to use them in their everyday lives.

Registration for the fair is open indefinitely to students and walk-ins are welcomed.

Staff reporter Janiyah Gaston can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter @DEJaniyah. To stay up to date with all your Southern Illinois news follow the Daily Egyptian on Facebook and Twitter.
