SIU Women’s XC Place 4th; Men Place 5th in Missouri Valley Conference Championship
Junior cross country runner Megan Krolak runs Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2017, before practice at the Lew Hartzog Track and Field Complex. (Athena Chrysanthou | @Chrysant1Athena)
October 29, 2021
Both the SIU Men’s and Women’s Cross Country teams visited Normal, Illinois on Friday afternoon to compete in the Missouri Valley Conference Championship. The Women’s team tallied a score of 111 to earn fourth place, while the Men had 121 to earn fifth place.
The Women’s race was 6 kilometers and included 76 participants across 10 different schools in the conference. The Men’s race was 8 kilometers and included 68 participants from nine different schools in the conference.
The Women’s team had four top-22 racers who all set new personal bests for a 6k run. This included sophomore Kayla Scheira with a time of 21:10.6 (5), freshman Stephanie Anthonies with a time of 21:58.7 (16), freshman Claire Ayers with a time of 22.02.6 (19), and sophomore Josie Brown with a time of 22:12.7 (22).
Also running were sophomore Rachel Anderson who timed 23:20.4 (49), freshman Ansley Bailey who timed 23.36.4 (55), and senior Sydney Matusik who timed 24:52.8 (68).
The Men’s team included three top-12 finishers in freshmen Ethan Senti, Dawson Smith, and Noah Mcintyre. Senti tallied a time of 24.54.7 (10), with Smith behind him at 25:03 (11), and Mcintyre behind him at 25:06.7 (12).
Also racing were freshman Uriah Guthrie at 26:06.6 (39), sophomore Travis Hart at 26:35.6 (49), and freshman Vincent Van Eck at 27:10.8 (56).
The Salukis hope to continue their season in two weeks at the NCAA Midwest Regionals on November 12 in Iowa City, Iowa.
Sports reporter Joseph Bernard can be reached at [email protected] or on twitter @Jojobernard2001.
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