Off the Rails Concert Series Coming to Carbondale

Sophia Rogers | [email protected]

A vocalist and saxophone player for The People vs. Hugh Deneal plays at Off the Rails on Friday, Aug. 27, 2021, in Carbondale, Ill. “I really love the big old saxophone they play, but it is really one-of-a-kind 3 piece band,” West said.

Local bands The People vs. Hugh DeNeal, Miss Jenny and the Howdy Boys, and The Hooten Hallers  whose genres ranged from folk, country, and rock performed at the first ever Off The Rails concert series on Aug. 27, 2021.

The latest outdoor concert was held at the Washington Street Venue from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m.. 

Although Off The Rails is a new concert series a lot of people seemed to enjoy it. A few of the performers had some positive things to say about the atmosphere of the concert.


Kellie Everett, the baritone saxophone player for The Hooten Hallers, and Hugh DeNeal, the lead singer of The People vs. Hugh DeNeal, said they would perform at Off The Rails again. 

“We are going to be doing something next month as well with WoodBox Gang,” DeNeal said.

Everett  and DeNeal said it was great to see people enjoying the concert while social distancing.

“People were smartly spread out and not all concentrated at the front. I was glad to see people all spread out,” DeNeal said.

Concert-goers Paul Goodin and Orion Fiorino said they loved the show and would love it if Off The Rails came back to Carbondale

Audience members said it would be hard to choose which band was best.

“I’d have to say all of them,” Goodin said.


But Ben West was especially excited about one band in particular. 

The Hooten Hallers, who I see the least often, they’re really good friends of mine,” West said.

Hanna Ramsey shared West‘s sentiments about the group.

“I really love the big old saxophone they play, but it is a really one-of-a-kind 3-piece band,” Ramesy said.

Off The Rails will be back soon.

According to Roni LeForge, public relations officer for the city of Carbondale, the series will return Sep. 24  from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Washington Street Concert Venue with a new line up of entertainment. Next time it will feature Radio Free Honduras, Jason Ringenber and Woodbox Gang.

Staff reporter Janiyah Gaston can be reached at [email protected] or on Instagram at @janiyah_reports. To stay up to date with all your southern Illinois news, follow the Daily Egyptian on Facebook and Twitter.
