International Student Feature: enzyme research could lead to medical advances

Sunil Basnet, an international Ph.D. student from Nepal, works in the Department of Chemistry on Wednesday, Feb. 3, 2021, at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Ill. Basnet works as a member of Dr. Sean D Moran’s research group. “In our group, we are focused on studying ultrafast dynamics occurring on biomolecules like enzymes, metalloproteins and others,” Basnet said. He said he is involved with the study of enzyme dynamics and his primary focus is to explore what kind of motions, processes, reactions, etc., occur inside the enzyme on their active site, whether it is “proton transfer, twisting motions or any other kind of electron transfer dynamics.” By using two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy to study such dynamics in the femtosecond time scale, the teams’ research is enriching the scientific community with the knowledge of ultrafast dynamics. “This can in-turn help designing any specific drug that can target enzymes. Getting detailed information is always fruitful,” Basnet said. (Subash Kharel | @pics.leaks)
