International Student Council President, Akmal Asoev, leads the parade along with chancellor Austin Lane, and Executive Director of International Affairs, Andrew Carver, during the International Parade of Flags Monday, April 5, 2021 at the Student Service building at SIU. Jared Treece | @bisalo (Jared Treece | @bisalo)
International Student Council President, Akmal Asoev, leads the parade along with chancellor Austin Lane, and Executive Director of International Affairs, Andrew Carver, during the International Parade of Flags Monday, April 5, 2021 at the Student Service building at SIU. Jared Treece | @bisalo

Jared Treece | @bisalo

SIU celebrates International Fest with the Parade of Flags

April 6, 2021

On a clear, sunny Monday morning, a group of international students, faculty and community members paraded through campus with numerous flags from countries across the world.

The International Parade of Flags kicked off the start of SIU’s International Fest 2021, a week-long celebration of diversity, inclusiveness and culture at SIU and the greater Carbondale community.

The parade transitioned into the festival proclamation featuring speeches from SIU chancellor Austin Lane, Executive Director of International Affairs, Andrew Carver and Mike Henry, Carbondale mayor.


The proclamation ended with SIU chancellor Austin Lane banging a gong to officially kick-off the week of festivities.

Staff Photographer Jared Treece can be reached at [email protected] or on Instagram at @bisalo.

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