Life lessons

Life lessons

By Jon-Erik Bradford

Chris Powell, the host of ABC’s show Extreme Weight Loss speaks to students Tuesday at the Student Center ballrooms. He shared his personal transformation and explained how his method works. “It’s about believing in yourself, keeping your promises. It’s about falling without failing and uniting with others,” Powell said. “Once we dive into the nitty gritty of it you actually see the formula for it and that is the true secret of transformation.” Powell has been giving presentations for three years, and said he hopes to connect with people and help them with their own transformations. “To understand the power of the promises they made to themselves. And the power of integrity with oneself,” he said. Powell holds a degree in exercise science, and has written two New York Times best selling books, “Choose to Lose” and “Choose More Lose More, For Life.”

Jon-Erik Bradford | THE WEEKENDER

