At its regularly scheduled meeting on Dec. 14, the Board of Trustees named Lori Stettler as vice chancellor for student affairs.
Stettler has held an interim position in the student affairs division since its re-establishment in July 2015, but has served SIU since May 2006.
It was re-established in July 2015 after a recommendation to resurrect the position came from a task force that studied the efficiency and effectiveness of non academic student services.
Prior being appointed as interim vice chancellor for student affairs, Stettler was vice chancellor for auxiliary services since 2011.
In a university press release, Stettler said, “I am excited to have earned this opportunity to continue to serve students and lead the Division of Student Affairs. I am excited to continue that service through this new appointment.”
Chancellor Carlo Montemagno recommended Stettler’s appointment to provide the units reporting to her greater stability and allow Stettler to find productivity in personnel and operations.
In a university press release Montemagno said,“With over 30 years of experience in Student Affairs, she has spent her entire career in service to students on university campuses throughout the Midwest and here at SIU. I know she will continue to move our student affairs initiatives forward.”
Stettler has also served as director of the Student Center at SIU, director of campus life and director of recreational sports at Southeast Missouri State University and worked in related student affairs positions at Purdue University, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Wichita State University.
Additionally, she has taught in the departments of communications and health, human performance and recreation at Southeast Missouri State.
Stettler received her bachelor’s degree in recreation and administration from Southeast Missouri State and a master’s degree in recreation administration from SIU. She is close to finishing her doctoral degree in educational administration and higher education from the university.
Offices reporting to Stettler include: University Housing, the Student Center, Recreational Sports and Services, Student Health Services, Wellness and Health Promotion, Counseling and Psychological Services, Rainbow’s End Child Development Center, Touch of Nature Environmental Center, Mass Transit and Campus Dining.
Stettler will oversee the Dean of Students, Veterans Services, Non-Traditional Student Services, Saluki Cares, Students Rights and Responsibilities, Student Legal Services and the Multi-Cultural Student Resource Centers.
Along with the elimination of University College, Stettler will oversee Project Achieve, Student Learning and Support Services, Upward Bound, First Scholars, Disability Support Services, Career Services, New Student Programs, Volunteerism and Student Learning and Student Support Services.
Staff writer Amelia Blakely can be reached at or on Twitter @AmeilaBlakely.
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