SIU students welcome to chat with chancellor on Wednesday

Interim Chancellor Brad Colwell addresses questions and comments of event attendees at the State of the Student Address on Oct. 28, 2015, in the John C. Guyon Auditorium. (Jacob Wiegand | @JacobWiegand_DE)

Interim Chancellor Brad Colwell addresses questions and comments of event attendees at the State of the Student Address on Oct. 28, 2015, in the John C. Guyon Auditorium. (Jacob Wiegand | @JacobWiegand_DE)

By Staff report

Update: Chancellor Q&A left important questions unanswered, SIU students say

Students can join in an open question-and-answer session with SIU’s chancellor Wednesday evening.

Interim Chancellor Brad Colwell will be available to answer questions in person. Students can also submit questions via Twitter with the hashtag #chatwithbrad.


The discussion, hosted by the Student Programming Council, begins at 6 p.m. Wednesday in Student Center Ballrooms C and D.

The Daily Egyptian’s campus desk can be reached at 618-536-3397 or [email protected].

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