by:Eric Helbig meets. However, he thinks the competition should be tough.

By Gus Bode

I’m looking to finish high in the indoor meet, finish higher in the outdoor and hopefully win the outdoor meet, he said. It’s just going to come down to whoever works the hardest between now and then.

Cornell said the road for McGee would be rough as he feels the MVC could be the toughest high jumping conference in the country.

In order to improve enough to get to that level, McGee said he would have to improve on certain aspects of his jumping style.


Through video tape and listening to the coaches I realize I need to work on my approach because I altered it to favor my leg, he said.

Besides the coaches, McGee said the other jumpers are active in giving advice to each other.

Actually, we help each other out, he said. We only have two coaches and there are so many different events that they have to work with.

McGee teamed with one of his fellow jumpers, All-American Cameron Wright at Marion High School. This versitle athlete played basketball and was quarterback on the football team, besides competing for the track team.

In Marion, McGee said he was practically prodded into running track at Marion because of his other sports interests.

Basically, in junior high if you played basketball you had to run track because the coach was the same for both sports, he said.

