Protesters Can’t See The Forest For The Trees.

By Gus Bode

In all of the diatibes against tree harvest on the Shawnee and elsewhere, no one has yet proposed an alternative to logging or our societies use of wood products! People, Bill Cronin and Jan Wilder Thomas included, demand materials from our forests to facilitate their chosen lifestyles. Does anyone believe that Ms. Thomas would renounce her precious wood guitar and use a plastic or metal one instead? I would venture to say that the homes of many environmental zealots are beautiful places truly in harmony with nature:forest settings, wood construction, hardwood floors, pine or oak furniture, …. That murder trail where they drag out the dead bodies’ leads directly into our homes, classrooms and offices.

Like many industries, Carbondale Veneer, is manufacturing a product that is essential to our way of life. Unlike most industries (coal, oil, mining, …), Carbondale Veneer is using a resource that is 100% natural, completely sustainable and infinitely renewable. Until our society creates artificial substitutes for building materials, furniture, and everything paper (books, packaging, TP, newsprint), we must allow harvesting of trees in as environmentally sound a manner as possible.

Those reading this may find it impossible to believe that I actually favor stricter environmental controls on polluters, safer ground water and greater protection for natural habitats and native species. They may label me hypocrite for supporting both environmental protection and tree harvest. I would repeat that charge at those who abhor logging yet adore wood in its many manufactured forms.


Carl A. Huetteman, Researcher III PLSS
