I am writing in response to letters written by Ms. Patricia Brown and Mr. Jamal Powell in Sept. 15 edition of the Daily Egyptian and Mr. Bratcher on 09/27. America has at its foundation the belief that individuals have the right to express their opinions and beliefs. My situation attracted significant attention because it appeared that my beliefs and opinions were being silenced. With every right
September 28, 1995
Ms. Brown’s mistaken letter attributed another person’s assertion to me. She wrote that I stated, I don’t need financial aid yet I get it anyway. In fact, another student was the source of that statement that I discovered after two phone calls. If Ms. Brown had bothered to investigate one of her premises, perhaps she would have reconsidered submitting her letter.
Mr. Powell incorrectly stated that the GOP was funding my education this year. On Monday, Sept. 11 I was asked at a news conference who was funding my education this year. I stated that I was paying for my education through financial aid and an assistantship. Mr. Powell was there, heard my answer, yet for reasons of his own he chose to state otherwise in his letter. I reiterate that I am funding my own education this year.
Finally, about Mr. Bratcher’s letter that seems to be based on Ms. Browns previous letter; this is exactly what can happen when someone initially fails to verify their facts in a statement. Other people rely on their statements as if it were true. When writing letters to the editor, it is important from a common sense and legal point of view for individuals to verify their facts before writing. While in favor of free speech, I am also in favor of the truth.
William T. Karrow II