Northeast side residents complain about city services

By Gus Bode

Residents of Carbondale’s northeast side voiced their opinions about what they perceive as inadequate city services at a town meeting Thursday.

About 40 residents gathered in the Thomas Elementary School gym to discuss several concerns of the northeast side including unfair law enforcement, poor street maintenance, misuse of park funds and possible environmental dangers in the area.

The meeting was held by the Citizens Advisory Committee, a group that gives advice to the Carbondale City Council, but does not vote on any city legislation.


Cleveland Matthews, community relations officer for the city manager’s office, said the northeast side has a higher density of African-American residents than any area in Carbondale. He said there are only about 30 White residents out of the 4,700 people in the neighborhood.

After a short introduction, residents were randomly divided into four groups, each with two committee members, to talk for about an hour. After the group discussions, four committee members, one for each group, made presentations of the issues brought up by the residents.

The attitudes of police officers to people living in the northeast side was mentioned by several people.

One resident, Madlyn Stalls, said she once came home with some friends to find a police officer in her backyard.

I said excuse me, is there a problem?’ Stalls said. She said the officer was rude and even upon learning he was in Stalls’ yard, did not explain why he was there.

This is an example of police attitude to people here, she said. Like we can be treated any way. Give me human courtesy, like you would anyone else.

People also complained that there was selective enforcement when citations were issued for overgrown grass and noise violations. Residents said one household is sometimes cited for a violation, while one nearby is ignored.


There were also requests for the Carbondale Park District to put up a pavilion in the neighborhood so residents would have a place to have picnics without traveling across town. People said some of the park district’s funds have been allocated to activities they cannot afford, such as golf.

There were also complaints about the way residents are treated when dealing with city employees. Several people said they were not given respect when they sought city services.

I think there’s a sentiment to devalue poor and Black people seeking city services in Carbondale, Stalls said.

People also expressed concern about an old waste treatment plant near an elementary school. Residents say the plant still gives off an awful stench.

Another environmental worry was an abandoned railroad tie plant that was closed down by the Environmental Protection Agency about five years ago.

Matthews said creosol, a compound used to treat the ties against weathering, was found to have saturated some of the ground around the plant. The EPA has banned creosol use because of health risks associated with it.

Some residents said street maintenance and lighting in their neighborhood needed improvement. They said deteriorating, dark alleys often attracted unpleasant activity they did not want near their homes.

Robert Harper, chair of the committee said he was pleased with the results of the meeting and promised people that he would make their concerns known to the Carbondale City Council.

You’ve given us a lot to talk about, he said.

Harper also said the turnout increased the chance for more town meetings in other areas of Carbondale, including SIUC.

Matthews also said the meeting was a success, noting that town meetings have been held before, but never with a turnout as good Thursday’s.

I feel good about it, he said. We got good publicity. The word got out. We only had five or six people at some of the last meetings.

Residents also said the meeting was a good step but were not sure that it would solve any of the problems residents were concerned with.

It was a good exchange, northeast side resident Gilbert Poindexter Jr. said, but I really don’t think there will be a lot of changes down the line. We’ve done this before.
