Terry Conway and Ken Johnson have taken it upon themselves to educate the environmentalists about logging the Shawnee. Unfortunately, they did not make it through the second paragraph of their perspective before they began making mistakes. The glacial Ice did not cover extreme Southern Illinois, forests can survive fire, and the Shawnee is NOT dependent on human disturbance.

By Gus Bode

I sincerely doubt that Kristen Kordeck needs any enlightenment about death and destruction in nature. She was there. She saw the unnatural destruction Stan Curtis caused. Jan Wilder-Thomas knows exactly what she means by old growth the mature 100 to 150 year-old trees the loggers just took!

The most insulting error in their perspective was that environmentalists are trying to manipulate public opinion without giving them the whole picture from an ecological view. If Terry and Ken think they have the whole picture, then where is their statement regarding the bats the protesters were trying to protect? Where is their study of the effects of forest fragmentation on neotropical migratory songbirds? In other words, where do they address the specific environmental concerns the protesters raised time after time? The entire focus of this sadly misleading perspective was giving students complete information. Terry and Ken are obviously not in possession of complete information themselves. Perhaps before they try to educate environmentalists they should actually listen to them. Environmentalists as a whole are informed. Our informed decision is that the recent cut of Cripps Bend was exactly what Kristen Kordeck said it was, The rape and destruction of the land.

