In response to the letter written by William Scott Stromberg, which appeared in the September 25 edition of the Daily Egyptian, I feel it necessary to state a few facts about true Christianity. Mr. Stromberg made several errors in his assessment of the church and its purpose that should be corrected in order to eliminate unfair generalities.

By Gus Bode

I would like to start by saying that there were a few truths stated. In the past, there have been many problems in the church. Also, televangelists can cause quite a bit of problems among many of those who don’t have a solid grasp on the principles of Christianity.

However, many things were stated that are very unfair to Christianity. For instance, an in depth study will show that the Bible is historically one of the most accurate documents in existence. Also, the vast majority of Christians will not acknowledge that televangelists are in any way promoting true Christian values. Finally, none of the arguments in Mr. Stromberg’s letter were backed up with facts. Therefore, many of them don’t deserve an answer.

True Christianity has very little to do with the things that were alleged. Christianity is a relationship with the living god of the universe through His son Jesus. The relationship is brought about by God’s grace, love, and mercy when He invites us to be in a relationship with Him, giving us forgiveness of our sin because of Jesus’ death on the cross. This forgiveness is available to anyone who will believe in Jesus and call on Him to save them from the punishment for their acts of rebellion against God.


Christian leaders are an important part of the faith. Although there are a few who have caused problems, many are upright, teaching what is in accordance with God’s Word, the Bible. In Titus 1:5-9, God gives the purpose and requirements for a pastor. These include character qualities that all believers should have while showing that the pastor is an important and needed part of God’s family.

In conclusion, before judging today’s Christianity, examine it for yourself.

Junior, advanced technical studies
