After a discussion with Eris Esoteric in a dream, I am now 100 percent for prayer in school. It is not that I think children do not get enough prayer conditioning at home, be it at home, at the dinner table and before bed or at Sunday school and church services.
October 1, 1995
That proposed moment of silence is not a Christian moment of silence; it can be used to worship anything. I envision a classroom where Hindu boys and girls unroll their rugs alongside impressionable young Christians, where Satanists don their pentagrams and whisper Evoe and Io into their left hands, where Discordian witches will have to go out into the hall to do their turkey gobbling so they won’t bother the rest of the class. And if an atheistic eight-year-old has a sugar buzz vision some afternoon, he can put on his mask and pay homage to the Blue Power Ranger during class the next day.
Beyond this serious sarcasm lies a quite anti-Christian practice exposure to and tolerance of religious diversity. Little Christians all across our country are going to have hard-core evidence that they are trapped in the same cage as the Jews and Muslims. They will have a perspective to compare their own religion to. They may even learn that the Pagan is just as human as themselves.
The only alternative to such exposure is to force the moment of silence to be exclusively Christian. No doubt that is the idea, but even the same master (Forget that America was never intended to be a Christian nation anyway). Christian in-fighting historically gets pretty nasty.
The First Amendment gives us all the right to our own personal moments of silence, and there is nothing the Christians can do about it. Hail Eris!